Saturday, November 24, 2007

The poop got frozen...

Dad called me this morning to tell me that one of our horses, Duna, was at the vet with colic. Duna tends to colic whenever the weather turns cold because she does not drink the cold water. She is 22 years old and each year this gets a bit harder on her. Typically, when this happens my dad and sister isolate her from the other horses, limit her food, give her warm water to drink, and give her some medicine and that can usually take care of it but not yesterday. Well, when I got off the phone with dad, Madeline asked me what was wrong and after I explained to her that Duna coliced (basically constipated, can be deadly to horses) she said, “I know what happened, the poop inside her has froze, you see horses are strange sometimes when it snows the snow gets in the horses bottom and frozes the poop." Even though I am very worried about our horse I had to hold back a smile as Madeline was explaining this to me.