Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Tropical Storm Edouard just might make it to North Texas. Tonight as I was heading to the store, and backing out of the garage PLOP PLOP PLOP came raining down on my car. IT WAS RAINING - and much to my shock because it was as bright and sunny as it could be. I never knew it could rain without clouds (well there were clouds but not like rain clouds or anything just patchy big puffy white things) BIG drops of rain fell with a splat splat splat! I was joyous because we have been having very hot dry weather lately (107 on Sunday and Monday and a totaly of 12 100+ days in a row). The humidity rose to a stifling level but the temperature fell, thank goodness because our AC has been working overtime lately. It did not rain for long but what we got was very nice and we are hoping for more. It also caused 2 beautiful and vivid rainbows. COME ON EDUARDO, COME TO NORTH TEXAS

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